Writing challenge week 5

1. I looked down in disbelief, I couldn’t believe my eyes…

I am going sky diving this weekend because it is my birthday. Now all I have to do is get through school until the weekend. Finally school is over so I can go get ready. I grab my drink bottle, a snack and my money and hop in the car. We drive to the place. There aren’t many people which means there is no line. My mum and I pay for tickets and get on the plane. We have to survive a 15 minute instruction video, it feels like it will never end. As soon as the video finishes I run to the plane. My mum jogs to catch up. We board the plane but it won’t leave for another 10 minutes. The pilot attaches everything to us and the plane starts moving. It is 5 minutes until we get to the spot. We jump. We fall for a bit. We pull the string and the parachutes open up. Mine is green. I see a blue speck beneath us. It must be a lake. It is getting closer. RIP! I am caught in the tree. RIP! it comes off of me and flies away. Well they won’t get that one back. Now I’m stuck in the tree.


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